Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The (not to be mixed up with The Council of Elrond) is a massive site. Their welcome letter says it all.

Greetings friends, from the Council-of-Elrond, the last homely house. The Council-of-Elrond was created by fans and admirers of JRR Tolkien to continue the community that had developed over the years at when it closed.

Here you can find transcripts of all the LotR films, Middle Earth Fonts, Middle Earth Genealogy charts, Middle Earth Fan Fiction, a LotR Gallery, a large selection of Middle Earth Online Java Games, a friendly forum where you can find discussions and fun on a wealth of subjects, and a whole lot more.

All are welcome here who come in peace.

You can view the message forums and all of the other reference materials, their fan fictions sections as well as sending an e-card using their massive New Line movie stills collection (currently unavailable). All in all it's quite easy to get around and worth a look.

Council of


Ardamir said...

In my opinion the LOTR Fanatics Plaza is a superior Tolkien site.

Lynn-Marie Gildersleeve said...

Thank you for your recommendation. :D